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Staatsarchiv Wallis – Mediathek Wallis – Walliser Kantonsmuseen
Home | Collections of the State of Valais

Collections of the State of Valais

The most important collection is that of the Département de l’Intérieur (AEV, DI), which contains many files on emigration from the Valais in the 19th century, including the Register of Emigrants (cf. Register of Emigrants above). Among the many files in the collection, the following are worth citing:

AEV, DI, 194-195

Contains files on emigration from 1817 to 1869, especially to Algeria, the U.S.A., Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay.


AEV, DI, 356.25

Printed material relative to emigration; in particular a project of cantonal and federal legislation on emigration.


AEV, DI, 356.27

Summary tables of emigration from the Valais according to district and township.


AEV, DI, 357.1

Lists of emigration agencies and their sub-agents recognized by the Federal Council.


AEV, DI, 357.3.1

Federal organisation of emigration: legislation, information on activity concerning this sector, etc.


AEV, DI, 358

Registry of emigrants. List of the names of the emigrants by district and township, mentioning their filiation, year of birth, profession, origins, last domicile, date of departure and destination.



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Musées Cantonaux, 4350 2016/3 2/7
Musées Cantonaux, 4350 2016/3 2/7
Musées Cantonaux, 4350 2016/3 2/7
Département de l’Intérieur 356.26
Musées Cantonaux, 4350 2016/3 2/7
Département de l’Intérieur 194.4.1
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